Friday, April 4, 2014

what was lost in Byzantine?

@ the time of Hippocrates of Cos why was anthropological dualism dropped? Why did science medicine and spirituality and philosophy divorce from the psyche of mankind et masse - to loose such things as wholistic connection was it the ego at the root of this evil?

The Dower of Byzantium.

 The soma-psyche constitutional parts; brain-mind, body-soul, flesh-spirit took a right turn in that epoch driven by religious debates was extracted from the way of being from the collective assimilation of truth non truth by the grappling of Aristotelian rationalism attempting to only allow that which is discreetly measurable.  

Michel Foucault asserts that the coercive power being exerted over the corporeality of human beings has to do with freedom. Freewill is the ability to accept a human normative responsibility for causation. If humanity is free then humanity is not controllable.

During the time of wrestling between Latin legalism, Hellenic intellectualism and Semitic realism the split occurred and without progressing a thread through post industrial modern man mindset and social consciousness today... the split occurred. 

To consider a point some point when the point is returned to wholistic dualism the balance of the moment will slam about out of kilter.  Losing balance between the now the moment and the ego attempting to put all into a container and label the magnificence of it... the seed of this notion that we can be so important, separated from everything, was lost in the first century A.D. in the cultural clash between East and West ...  

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