Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weltanschauung - world view

The linguistic relativity hypothesis of Benjamin Lee Whorf describes how the syntactic-semantic structure of a language becomes an underlying structure for the world view orWeltanschauung of a people through the organization of the causal perception of the world and the linguistic categorization of entities. As linguistic categorization emerges as a representation of worldview and causality, it further modifies social perception and thereby leads to a continual interaction between language and perception.[3] 

Integrating this into my consciousness it occurs that human linguistics has declined in word use age and word count. Some regional deep city or deep rural have inflections and phonics that are a challenge to even comprehend, even though the English language is the root.

When a complex emotional state of joy or rage becomes enlivened within a soul and they shout out in action and verse - how does this disparity between raw minimalist and eloquent academic play out? 

Of course the interplay between take action or over think it is inversely disappointing on average when academic dithers and fails and minimalist powers through and gets 'er done.

Balance ultimately again is the haven from whereby harmony and Heaven become radiant.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


at a point about 1/3 of the way through and i am a  bit stumped to what does Sam do next... the Tao says to just allow.

the Way to the truth is to not get in the way of the Truth... allow

Sunday, April 6, 2014

GOETHE - why was this man so beloved by so many?

wiki data for background

While reading about Rudolf Steiner, I came upon the references to GOETHE and his theory of color and then how this minstrel of German law dramas and poetry was so influential to so many significant people of the decades.

The tales of making of the GEIST Chronicles has a lot to do with a tremendous serendipity of related findings of books stories and thoughts... 

How moments of aha from being drawn to a book on a shelf in a store to delving into autobiographies of the author to relating to other finds that are stored on my shelves and stacks of books and research. These cumulative moments trend toward something. It is a hope and a dream that this something becomes the understanding that can be parlayed into the GEIST CHRONICLES and shared with everyone who also questions. Everything.

Rabbit holes and related threads of relationships are galvanized when it is stumbled upon that others have divined plausibility between a name and secret. What is it that keeps poets and novelists alike digging and linking and thinking and collecting dust motes of knowledge from the ancient secrets held that eventually must come out into the clarity of dawn of a new epoch. The ways of the in-between time of tyrants and deviant bastards that corrupted the human experience off track from the purpose the plot the truth.

Seeking understanding of the quiver in the soul that has told me since boyhood that somewhere in me is a seed awaiting germination to grow into a tree of video vivi visum corpus mondi; of something that can be attainable by others that follow. 

Friday, April 4, 2014


Fundamental cognitive orientation of a group

what was lost in Byzantine?

@ the time of Hippocrates of Cos why was anthropological dualism dropped? Why did science medicine and spirituality and philosophy divorce from the psyche of mankind et masse - to loose such things as wholistic connection was it the ego at the root of this evil?

The Dower of Byzantium.

 The soma-psyche constitutional parts; brain-mind, body-soul, flesh-spirit took a right turn in that epoch driven by religious debates was extracted from the way of being from the collective assimilation of truth non truth by the grappling of Aristotelian rationalism attempting to only allow that which is discreetly measurable.  

Michel Foucault asserts that the coercive power being exerted over the corporeality of human beings has to do with freedom. Freewill is the ability to accept a human normative responsibility for causation. If humanity is free then humanity is not controllable.

During the time of wrestling between Latin legalism, Hellenic intellectualism and Semitic realism the split occurred and without progressing a thread through post industrial modern man mindset and social consciousness today... the split occurred. 

To consider a point some point when the point is returned to wholistic dualism the balance of the moment will slam about out of kilter.  Losing balance between the now the moment and the ego attempting to put all into a container and label the magnificence of it... the seed of this notion that we can be so important, separated from everything, was lost in the first century A.D. in the cultural clash between East and West ...  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

See you

what is the word... GEIST?


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Geist (German pronunciation: [ˈɡaɪst]) is a German word. Depending on context it can be translated as the English words mind, spirit, or ghost, covering the semantic field of these three English nouns. Some English translators resort to using "spirit/mind" or "spirit (mind)" to help convey the meaning of the term.[1][2]
Geist is a central concept in Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit (Phänomenologie des Geistes).

                                   SUCH THAT 
                  TO BE - to be... 
 depending on context of the situation

Etymology and translation

Edmund Spenser's usage of the English-language word 'ghost', in his 1590 The Faerie Queene, demonstrates the former, broader meaning of the English-language term. In this context, the term describes the sleeping mind of a living person, rather than a ghost, or spirit of the dead. The word Geist is etymologically identical to the English ghost (from a Common Germanic *gaistaz) but has retained its full range of meanings, while some applications of the English word ghost had become obsolete by the 17th century, replaced with the Latinate spirit.[3] For this reason, English-language translators of the term Geist from the German language face some difficulty in rendering the term, and often disagree as to the best translation in a given context.
Analogous terms in other languages include the Greek word πνεύμα (pneuma), the Latin animus and anima, the French esprit, and the Chinese medical 神 shen.[citation needed]


Geist is a central concept in Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit (Phänomenologie des Geistes). According to Hegel, the Weltgeist ("World Spirit") is not an actual thing one might come upon or a God-like thing beyond, but a means of philosophizing about history.[citation needed] Weltgeist is effected in history through the mediation of various Volksgeister ("Folk Spirits"), the great men of history, such as Napoleon, are the "concrete universal".[citation needed]
This has led some to claim that Hegel favored the great man theory, although his philosophy of history, in particular concerning the role of the "universal state" (Universal Stand, which means as well "order" or "statute" than "state"), and of an "End of History" is much more complex.
For Hegel, the great hero is unwittingly utilized by Geist or Absolute Spirit, by a "ruse of Reason" as Hegel puts it, and is irrelevant to history once his historic mission is accomplished; he is thus submitted to the teleological principle of history, a principle which allows Hegel to re-read all the history of philosophy as culminating in his philosophy of history.
Weltgeist, the world spirit concept, designates an idealistic principle of world explanation, which can be found from the beginnings of philosophy up to more recent time. The concept of world spirit was already accepted by the idealistic schools of ancient Indian philosophy, whereby one explained objective reality as its product. (See metaphysical objectivism) In the early philosophy of Greek antiquity, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all paid homage, amongst other things, to the concept of world spirit. Hegel later based his philosophy of history on it.

in the begining is a tree ...

the tree

First draft of first page for first book…. The Giest Chronicles … Phae I was sitting outside in the sun smoking a cigar visualizing ‘how would I start my book, the first page’ … the first paragraph, first page has to grab the reader and pull them in to want to find out more… This is what I just wrote with very few edits…
The heat from the now stub of a cigar was too much to continue to hold and I still had no idea what would be my response to the question ‘what would you do with your last twenty dollar bill?’ As I rolled left to attempt to stand up from under the black elm tree I had been drawn to as an inspiration spot, my ass felt like a clamp vise was squeezing it, my right knee did not want to straighten out and my freakin foot was pins and needles. I really need to find the time to keep in shape before my age changes me from still thinking I look like a guy in his twenties to the reality that my joints ache my belly hangs like a Southern bitch dog who had too many puppies in too few years and I really am in my forties. Is forty half way to the end?
This assignment of writing about the destitute jobless and down on the luck spiral that more people where gravitated into these years was harder than I expected. I used to kick these editorials out in a weekend and then fill with some clever facts and the words flowed like someone else was writing through me not I doing work. Did I lose my muse? Seems to me the reason was that I… standing here with a stub of a cigar and a blank note pad… was getting too close to knowing what it really would be like to be at my last piece of cash. The paper had it’s good years and I with it but times were changing whether I wanted to grow old or not, whether the economy was shifting or not, whether I could still write or not.
Breathing in a deep breath of the crisp air I headed to find a coffee shop with a tall body warming over sugared quad breve. This was still my favorite time of season with the crunchy leaves and the hard earth. Why marketing people always pitch the glory of summer and time off was beyond me. I needed the change of season, the change of wardrobe to warm sweaters and the excuse to wear my favorite shirt hidden under a cardigan. Anything looks good under a cardigan. Besides they hide my gut that was getting bigger. How does it happen so fast? Seems like yesterday I had climbed Mt Washington up and back and still felt fine afterwards, now it was winding me to go up five flights of stairs to my apartment?
Thinking about all these things, things other than my job, which was getting alarmingly easier to do, think of things other than work. Distracted like and old man lost in memories of things yet done and almost certainly never to be attained I noticed with a scrunched face that someone was walking behind me. At least I could see the shadow of someone walking behind me, close behind and too my left. I heard no dry leaves move other than those I moved and with resign the idea of losing my youth my job and my hearing was like an undertow pulling me into a silenced and frantic death.
Stopping, the shadow stopped… Jheesh I spouted as I turned to confront whoever was playing Silent Bob the hunter of men.
The closest person to me was some kid throwing a ball for her dog across the common. The closest person. The silence of that thought took me to the overburdened memory of Sheila closing the door behind her a week ago. Leaving with her last box of books plants and a spatula. Scratching my dry eyebrow the cigar ashes fell in my eye. GOD!… scrunching my shoulders almost dropping my notebook eyes watering my universe refocused to the moment of standing alone in the fading light of day. Why had I stopped? Why was my focus so shot I could not even carry on a conversation with myself anymore? Why… no HOW could that shadow of a person be there next me and I be alone? …

Copyright 2009, Justin Mead ~ (mail to: justin at In process the book and details ... the idea came like a vision and the outline in an instant was in memory. Now begins the work...