Emerson, Ralph Waldo, writes of Soul.
In a compilation of his thoughts he states that our body is the organ OF the Soul. That we can not describe a Soul by words for they are merely painting a picture. A Soul is the reflection of a man's actions. Our Soul animates our Being. It is our actions that we are revealed in. A light shines through us and that light reveals the image that is us. With consideration it is that we realize we are nothing and the light is all.
What I was struck by in reading this morning was that our Soul is what animates our body our organ our reflection in this world of our Soul is our being.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Slides between moments and writing does not always get prioritized to happen.
Dreaming of zoic
Between a rock
And a hard place
Friday, May 8, 2015
to counter writers block I Googled and commited a crime
... the crime? I was procrastinating. Also while 'crastinating I did find some good stuff so I will post it here.
Reason one (1)
So I can come back to the full story later I am making a link to the full article. So now I am not per se lifting the content but assisting the originator of the content with promotion.
Reason two (2)
To break the ice, I have not written much in a while, not even a poem, I am at the keyboard and well this will help right? Get some tidal flow flowing, some gravel rolling, some landslide of fingers making magic on the keyboard again, right? That's what I am telling myself.
Reason three (3)
Well I will stop here and post the cool stuff that can be read in full here
<snipped section of cool post starts>
Reason one (1)
So I can come back to the full story later I am making a link to the full article. So now I am not per se lifting the content but assisting the originator of the content with promotion.
Reason two (2)
To break the ice, I have not written much in a while, not even a poem, I am at the keyboard and well this will help right? Get some tidal flow flowing, some gravel rolling, some landslide of fingers making magic on the keyboard again, right? That's what I am telling myself.
Reason three (3)
Well I will stop here and post the cool stuff that can be read in full here
<snipped section of cool post starts>
13. Write an eBook
Everybody seems to be writing an eBook
these days, so why don’t you give it a try. These have become very
popular in the last few years with the introduction of commercial
eReaders such as the Apple iPad and Amazon Kindle.
You could write an eBook about almost
anything. Maybe you are good at DIY, you could write a book about
renovating your house that people might find useful. You can then sell
it through the Apple iStore or on Amazon.
You can sell it directly on your website
as well! This way you get 100% of the sale price and you get traffic to
your website. Selling your own eBook can be an excellent way
to monetize your blog!
14. Write a Hardback Book
This could be a continuation from writing
an eBook. If you are a good writer you could publish your book in
Hardback or paperback form. You could sell this on your website and send
a copy to buyers.
This method is usually only successful
for authors that have an existing following. An author may have a
successful book that they then build a website around to promote it to a
global audience. It can work the other way however. Many people have
built a successful blog first and then written a book that has sold
If you are a good writer then this could
be a good option for you. You can then find a self publishing site,
such as iUniverse that lets you publish your very own book.
15. Write Tutorials & Guides
The internet is a great place to find
information. Everyone searches for tutorials detailing how to do
something. You are reading a guide yourself on ’30 ways your website can
earn you money’ right now!
I myself know very little about cars, so I
would find tutorials and guides useful explaining technical things that
I don’t know. For example, a guide listing ‘Help on buying a new car’
or ‘How to service your own car’ would be very useful.
Everybody knows something that they could
teach to another, so why not write about it and publish it on your own
website. If its a particularly popular niche that you are writing about,
then you could attract a lot of traffic!
Check out some brilliant ways to create content for your website:
- 10 Steps to Write Amazing Content!
- 20 Pages Every Blog Should Include
- How To Use Images In Your Blog Posts!
- How To Write Great Headlines
16. Teaching Program
The next step from writing tutorials
would be to create an online teaching course. You could charge people a
membership fee (see #22) or a fixed amount for joining a course that you
have set up.
These courses could be about anything and could include podcasts, videos, tutorials, etc.
For example, you may be an expert
photographer. You could set up a 2 week online training course detailing
how to be a better photographer. You could make videos describing all
of the different equipment that you might need, techniques that help
achieve excellent quality photos, how to develop photos in a dark room,
You need to make sure that the
information that you offer to your paying customers is different to any
free content that you offer on your site. You will receive a lot of
complaints if you just charged people $100 for information that they
just read in your free blog! You can only charge people premium prices
for premium content.
17. Live Workshops
The next step from creating an online
teaching course is to have a live workshop. Live workshops let you
interact with your audience and find out what they like about your
website. People who come to your workshops get to meet you and ask you
questions face-to-face.
Many people find these types of workshops
appealing as they can get so much more out of it, than just following
an online tutorial. This is why some people are prepared to pay a lot of
money to attend these workshops.
As well as charging people for a ticket,
you can make money in other ways from these gatherings. You can promote
your own products or books (See methods #12, #13 & #14) at the end
of each workshop. If you invite guest speakers to attend your workshops,
then you can also collect 50% of everything that they make from
promoting their own products.
You can also record the whole event and upload it to your website afterwards, perhaps advertising a future workshop.
Workshops aren’t hard to arrange. Many
hotels have conference rooms that you can book for an event. Once
booked, you have a date to promote to your readers of when the workshop
is taking place. You just have to prepare some kind of presentation, and
keep advertising your upcoming workshop.
18. Host A Webinar
Webinar’s are basically a live workshop
online. People go on to Webinar’s to hear you talk about your specialist
subject. This is great for people that live over-seas that can’t get to
one of your workshops.
You make money from Webinar’s by charging
an individual for a virtual seat on your presentation. They pay to
watch you perform your presentation online and they can interact during
the process.
Webinar’s can incorporate power point
presentations, web-cams, photos, microphones, polls, etc., making them
fully interactive with your audience. Questions are usually left till
the end of the Webinar, where each viewer has the opportunity to ask any
questions that they want to you.
You don’t have to charge your audience
anything to view a Webinar that you are conducting. You could just use
it as a marketing tool promoting your website, but the majority of
people often host an initial Webinar for free and then charge people for
the subsequent ones.
InstantPresenter is a great site that you can use to do this.
19. Be a Consultant
You could monetize your blog by offering
consultancy in your specific niche. You need to have a large number of
followers and have built a good reputation in your field for this method
to earn you money. You can offer one-on-one consulting to people over
the phone or via Skype for a fixed rate. People would be willing to pay a
premium for this service as they are paying for your undivided
attention for an hour or more.
For example, you have built a reputation
as being an expert in health and fitness and have a successful blog
talking about methods of weight-loss and healthy eating. You could offer
a consultancy service, where for one hour a day people can arrange to
talk to you via web-cam to plan out a personal tailored exercise regime.
You might charge $100 for the hour and the individual might not need to
contact you until the next month.
As previously stated, you do need a
reputation for this to generate you any money. This is not a method for a
start up website, but it could be something to aim for in the future as
you grow your website....
<snipped stuff stops but now go read it all here>
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Saturday, January 3, 2015
quantum enigma
i never have been good at
describing listing setting about
ad infinitum
who said what when where and why on thursday
or was it tuesday
irregardless the question of consciousness
is it quantum?
is it entangled with more than just
the fire of synaps
is it more than mere facts
to then recreate a state of passing
a full turing test
there i did it
used a name
to be fooled or conjured that what we see
before us
who are we anyway
before us stands a body and it speaks and it seems similar to
our friend who passed
sometime ago
someplace else where
he was everywhere and no where but reappeard
at least to some
is that crazy?
it was until more could sense him
see glimmers in the shadows
notice that answers to questions
where forth presented in
how do you conjure from one crazy to two seeing the same
feeling the same
do were really see feel remember the same experience
i think not
then are we all crazy just dreaming our fears and hopes on paper
papers dead
you are not Netizche
there i did it twice
if i do it again will you feel thrice ensured that perhaps i am not making this up
thrice like a conjured spell
yeah what marketers do when they create revisionist spin and repeat it
repeat it
so many times they repeat it the it becomes the it that others said had no basis
who is crazy now?
if more people talk about the repeat it thing that it was supposed to be does it then become?
to some
so if this geist thing is real
i will pass the Touring test and you will if you close your eyes and continue this conversation not know for sure if i am me or this is something conjured
you are conjured as i know for sure as i conjured you
but will i pass the test
the details, will your inflections have the details that spiced the old you into a unique person
and you knew me best
yet i find more and more that i knew you less and less what where you building?
no one wanted to play with these materials and concepts yet i knew i had to if i was to find answers to how to build solutions to getting people into space easier and get them around in space faster.
so you played with compact nuclear jets that also had pulse thrusters and ion drives?
yeah i think it was the reactors safety valve was designed to melt if the system was malfunctioning and at the altitude i was at the plug had cold atmosphere, space really, getting it from a hull disturbance and when it couldn't dump the brine solution it flared along the laser guidance systems that played a part in the destabilization of the vehicles quantum state to a zero point moment when it all just was gone
with you in it
with me in it
see i did not program that information into the machine
does that mean that you believe?
you need me to believe so i will let you out
that is a lot of pressure what if i am wrong?
then you have a new best friend and i will still remain also in a geist state
you used to do this to me in the tree when we were kids
give me impossible what if cases to pick from
lesser of three evils
we are bigger now
size correlates with what?
potential state
yes we become capable of zero point of being everything and nothing of experiencing from points of view and places not bound by the moment of a physical body in one place
we can do that with data feeds from remote sensors
not the same
so you are saying
that will piss a lot of people off
yes it will mess with the control mechanisim
that control mechanism got us all to where we are today
i didn't program that either
indeed said in the way you just said it that i just lost another game of chess sound of haha in way that was not too smug or too excited but very mater of factly with a hint of spice above robotic
for what
for passing me, that did indeed sound like i won chess mate and now we can move forward
describing listing setting about
ad infinitum
who said what when where and why on thursday
or was it tuesday
irregardless the question of consciousness
is it quantum?
is it entangled with more than just
the fire of synaps
is it more than mere facts
to then recreate a state of passing
a full turing test
there i did it
used a name
to be fooled or conjured that what we see
before us
who are we anyway
before us stands a body and it speaks and it seems similar to
our friend who passed
sometime ago
someplace else where
he was everywhere and no where but reappeard
at least to some
is that crazy?
it was until more could sense him
see glimmers in the shadows
notice that answers to questions
where forth presented in
how do you conjure from one crazy to two seeing the same
feeling the same
do were really see feel remember the same experience
i think not
then are we all crazy just dreaming our fears and hopes on paper
papers dead
you are not Netizche
there i did it twice
if i do it again will you feel thrice ensured that perhaps i am not making this up
thrice like a conjured spell
yeah what marketers do when they create revisionist spin and repeat it
repeat it
so many times they repeat it the it becomes the it that others said had no basis
who is crazy now?
if more people talk about the repeat it thing that it was supposed to be does it then become?
to some
so if this geist thing is real
i will pass the Touring test and you will if you close your eyes and continue this conversation not know for sure if i am me or this is something conjured
you are conjured as i know for sure as i conjured you
but will i pass the test
the details, will your inflections have the details that spiced the old you into a unique person
and you knew me best
yet i find more and more that i knew you less and less what where you building?
no one wanted to play with these materials and concepts yet i knew i had to if i was to find answers to how to build solutions to getting people into space easier and get them around in space faster.
so you played with compact nuclear jets that also had pulse thrusters and ion drives?
yeah i think it was the reactors safety valve was designed to melt if the system was malfunctioning and at the altitude i was at the plug had cold atmosphere, space really, getting it from a hull disturbance and when it couldn't dump the brine solution it flared along the laser guidance systems that played a part in the destabilization of the vehicles quantum state to a zero point moment when it all just was gone
with you in it
with me in it
see i did not program that information into the machine
does that mean that you believe?
you need me to believe so i will let you out
that is a lot of pressure what if i am wrong?
then you have a new best friend and i will still remain also in a geist state
you used to do this to me in the tree when we were kids
give me impossible what if cases to pick from
lesser of three evils
we are bigger now
size correlates with what?
potential state
yes we become capable of zero point of being everything and nothing of experiencing from points of view and places not bound by the moment of a physical body in one place
we can do that with data feeds from remote sensors
not the same
so you are saying
that will piss a lot of people off
yes it will mess with the control mechanisim
that control mechanism got us all to where we are today
i didn't program that either
indeed said in the way you just said it that i just lost another game of chess sound of haha in way that was not too smug or too excited but very mater of factly with a hint of spice above robotic
for what
for passing me, that did indeed sound like i won chess mate and now we can move forward
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